Sunday, March 23, 2008

How To Get A Playstation 3? ( tested and got) or other things on site...

You may have tried saving up those six hundred dollars but just couldn't do it or your job just doesn't cut the income that it us to. Well now there are no worries. You can get that 60GB Playstation 3 now for FREE!!!

Is this a Scam?

You also might I add be doubting this whole process before you even start reading it. Well don't be. This is by no means a Scam or hoax. Would I spend my precious time making a whole big website for no reason at all? No I really wouldn't. You can also check out the Proof section which includes pictures and videos. Many news station across the globe have run stories on this. All saying that with a little work it can be done.

STEP 1 (Estimated Read and process time- 20 Minutes.)

Signing up is the most important thing of all. You can do that at
This is the easy step. First, click on the link above then select your PS3 as your prize.(other gifts available). Make sure you put in a valid address. Then they will ask for your information. Don't hesitate to put the info in. The only reason they ask this is that when there is a problem they can call you(there never is) and your address is there so they can send your FREE PS3 to the right place.
IMPORTANT-make sure this is all filled out 100%. This is serious stuff and with fake information they can delete your account as Spam

As the site states this is all secure information that will not be seen by any third parties.
Congratulation!!! you have completed the first step in getting your free PLAYSTATION 3.

STEP 2 (Estimated Time- 45 Minutes)

Before you read this step notice there are a few very important rules to follow by.

Do not try to scam the company
Other family members in the same house can not sign up
Proxy servers are forbidden and will cause deletion of your account
Dorm rooms will not work since they are on the same server(you can try though)
NEVER EVER do an offer more than once
Once you sign up you can not delete it and sign up again
Only sign in to your account from your computer. Don't let your friend sign in from your PC.
MOST OF ALL- Just follow the terms and rules, which will lead to a clean fun adventure for a Playstation 3.
OK, Now that you have read the main rules. Don't be hesitant about this step at all.

You are going to need to get a total of 1. Full CreditThat means:
1- 1 Credits
2- 1/2 Credits
3- 1/3

CreditsThere are over 50 different site offers to choose from. many are well know companies.Some are considered free while others will cost you money.It is important to know that some offers credit instantly(15 Minutes) while others can take a day or two.This will all be shown for you on the site.

Below is a list of the tops sites that will guarantee you a green and the most popular offers.

#1- Making Site) Find your love that could last you the rest of your life. This offers 1 Full Credit INSTANTLY!!
#2- for Free) Get a bunch of stamps for your home or business for cheap. Half Credit INSTANTLY!!
#3- Blockbuster(DVDS!!)Get an account that will deliver movies to your house every month.
#4- - (Watches, Rings)Sign up and get anything,very simple! INSTANT credit! Half of a credit.
#5- Advertising Web Service(SEO Tools)Only 5 dollars for a bunch of great SEO tools.

All offers shown work and are the real thing.

STEP 3 (Estimated Time- One Week)

Now that you have completed your offer and it has gone green. It is time to get people that you know to refer YOU.

Before I give you ideas on where to get these people remember...

No one on the same IP address and house address.

Below is the list of 10 ways to get referrals
1. Ask your Mom or Dad
2. Ask your Best friend(s)(a.)More than one friend
3. Ask your Teachers
4. Ask your Tutor
5. Make a flyer
6. Tell friends you will pay them 5 bucks
7. Email me with your link and I will post it.
8. A Poster at your school or office.
9. Put your link on a forum you belong too.
10. Make your own site(Spend the time making your own)

But there many other people possible~

STEP 5 (Estimated Time- 5 Days)

This part of the deal is now in the hands of the websites company. They will go into your account once you have gotten the 15 or so referrals. They will make sure that there is no frauds or suspicious activity. If there are no problems they will then ship out your Playstation 3. It should come with in a normal shipping period. If you have questions then you can always email the site(Email found on their page). I've never had problems with getting anything. if you complete it all correctly then you will soon be playing on your new Playstation 3.

Thx. Later ill have one where you get one free but that does require a cell phone